Wednesday, January 02, 2013

U.S. Copyright Office study in process: Remedies for Copyright Small Claims

Copyright SymbolsSince this is a study that is in process, there is no telling if it might result in a formal change or not.  I do, however, like that the Copyright Office is considering the impact on copyright owners if they want to file an infringement lawsuit, especially when "the prospect of a modest recovery may not justify the potentially large expense of litigation." As the web site says:
Congress has asked the Copyright Office to study the challenges of the current system for resolving small copyright claim disputes, as well as possible alternative systems. Specifically, the Office is to undertake a study to: (1) assess the extent to which authors and other copyright owners are effectively prevented from seeking relief from infringements due to constraints in the current system; and (2) furnish specific recommendations, as appropriate, for changes in administrative, regulatory and statutory authority that will improve the adjudication of small copyright claims and thereby enable all copyright owners more fully to realize the promise of exclusive rights enshrined in our Constitution. The Office will provide a report on this study by the end of September 2013.

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